Radio Works R.F. Consulting
-- Downloadable Articles: Scroll Down To See Them All
Don't Do That: A New Series Of Articles - (Started in 2010)
- The Pipe Cutter Blues (Word .doc, 4MB)
- How Do You Say BSZVT? (Word .doc, 2MB)
- Cellular Range Extender No No (Word .doc, 2MB)
- Air Filters Gone Wrong (Word .doc, 4MB)
- Save Your Suppliers (Word .doc, 2MB)
- Alcohol VS Nasty Chemical Cleaners (PDF 2MB)
- Erasers: A Great Way To Clean Contacts (PDF 2MB)
- Slugs VS: Tuners, Are They Interchangable? (Doc 7MB)
- Corrosion, Can It Crush Rectangular Rigid Waveguide? (pdf 400k)
- The Great Flood, How much water is too much? (pdf 400k)
- Not My Transmitter
(pdf 400k)
- The Tale Of The Corrupted Coax
(pdf 400k)
- It's Not A Hat Rack
(pdf 400k)
- Who's Minding The Store
(pdf 400k)
- The Smoking Power Divider
(pdf 400k)
- Erasers, Not Just For Pen and Paper
(pdf 400k)
- Nitrogen VS Dry Air
(pdf 400k)
- A Simple Careless Act
(pdf 400k)
- Leaky Line, Leaky Life
(pdf 400k)
- Bidding D(e)fectively: Electrical Work Bites
(pdf 400k)
- Is It Really Clean?
(pdf 400k)
- So You're A Pro??
(pdf 400k)
- Vacuum Or Purge??
(pdf 400k)
- Doubly Intermittent
(pdf 400k)
- Noisy Two-Way-Radio
(pdf 400k)
- BDA's Bi-Directional Amplifier Installation Issues
(pdf 400k)
- Where Did My Signal Go?
(pdf 400k)
- Intermittent Fire alarm
(pdf 400k)
- Braided VS Solid Shieds
(pdf 400k)
- My Tower Can Hear
(pdf 400k)
- My Transmission Line Can Hear (pdf 400k)
- White Paper on Grounding and Bonding, A 3 Dimensional Consideration
Introducing a New Concept in Electrical Schematics: 3 Dimensional Schematics (All rights Reserved)
Large Format and UPS Battery Testing Services: A New Service Of RWRFC
- (Started in 2009)
Power Factor Correction Papers & Testing Examples: A New Service Of RWRFC
- (Started in 2009)
Power Factor Correction Power Points On YouTube: A New Service Of RWRFC
- (Started in 2009)
Drive Test Mapping For FM, AM, TV, and 2-Way System Coverage: A New Service Of RWRFC
- (Started in 2011)